Sunday 17 May 2009

Making a Brand

So my partner in crime for my prospective venture is a little... lost for focus.

Now there's no point me me getting all hot and bothered about that as well - it was her idea. I took it further with research into names & logos for our 'business'. I know it doesn't exist yet but just thinking about it gets me excited.

She's not had an ideas of designs but has come up with a few suggestions for names, she wants glamorous stationary and I want cute/gothic accessories. I've made some samples, but it's gonna take us a while to get the stage of Me & Zena, I actually met the creator in spittlefields with her stuff and it looks so professional, the branding, leaflets, quality of products - and she's havign a hard time getting into TopShop, imagine that. that would give you a stable amount of money coming in every month but struggling in a market int he meanwhile that is NOT where I wanna be.

So maybe this 'idea' should be a hobby and I should stick to my media career - well if you can class a extended internship as one.

Being criticsied everyda, even for the stuff I think I've pegged maybe disheartening but I can't say it hasn't taught me either - I've become resistant to petty comments, more patient and understand people better too. There are so many weirdos out there, it's a matter of handling them and getting the best.

So the next best step to be taken seriously is to take care of myself, I'm going to endulge myself every month, feeling good will really come out in my mood and work:

  • Skin - beauty treatments, especially with my skin flaring up with spots ...argh, apparently 'Primrose Oil' tablets are good for hormones but that can send your skin into a mess, so soemthing that may work well with one person may not work well with you.
  • De-hairing - eyebrows make the face look more pronounced, it will give me more of a mature looknot this 'baby faced' bollucks.
  • Hair - every 3 months I should trim it as the condidtion of my hair has deteriorated due to heavy dying. Dying will be a treat every so often unless I decide to go to henna.
  • Buys trinkets - ok so i buy small stuff all the time but maybe I should save and splash out on more substantial stuff like this necklace which is ALWAYS sold out ....bah!

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